Healthtec provides comfortable tables for the health industry

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Matt Horne, the director of sales and marketing at Healthtec, talks to MedicalSearch about the benefits that his company's tables provide to health practitioners.

Horne started work at Healthtec in 1988,  three years after the company was created. His very proud of the products that the company sells, such as examination tables, treatment tables, as well as massage and spa tables.

"They allow the practitioner to position their patients where they need them, with maximum comfort for both of them. In my opinion, they are definitely the best table son the market."

Horne is also very proud of the fact that the tables are designed and built in Australia.
"There is only a few of  left, you know. We use less parts, so therefore, they are more ridge in their operational use.

"Our tables go straight up and down, so that means that they require less cubical/treatment space to operate them. Because we do everything locally in Australia, we are capable of customising the tables to specific needs. And if something goes wrong, then the people who designed and manufactured the items can fix them more quickly because they are from Australia, not China, Thailand or Taiwan."

Horney really likes working for the company because it is a family business. "They also do not overcharge for the best quality product on the market! Great products are easy to sell over and over again.

"I sold tables to the University of QLD in '88 and they are still in service, and that's despite students using them all day. Now that is definitely quality for you."

He also says that they are reliable, comfortable and incredibly sturdy.

"The most common comment we receive is: 'We wish we'd heard of you before buying the other table. Yours is so much better!"

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